Friday 31 May 2013

My Pad for an iPad

1. A place of refuge or safety

I've just moved back home for summer from uni in Edinburgh and my bedroom sure knows it.

I've been home for a week and haven't been able to find the motivation to amalgamate what is essentially two bedrooms into one. 

First of all I put all dirty washing into a basket and put it in another room. That can be next weeks job. A job which will require less inspiration as running out of clothes to wear is motivation enough.

Secondly any rubbish that didn't belong in there was chucked. And I was ruthless. Anything in good nick went into what I call 'the ebay pile' and anything else I didn't want went in the bin. As a slight hoarder this took up a lot more time than one would imagine...

After these two jobs were done the real hard work began. I found my summer playlist of Paolo Nutini and Jamie T to be very helpful with this part. Good music is vital in a serious mission such as this one.

I used these purple drawer dividers from ikea to help organize my drawers in an orderly fashion. 

All surfaces were cleared and ornaments from both rooms were placed in new places.

Another tough decision was deciding which pictures would stay and which would go. Here are a few of my faveys:

My favourite band of all time Blondie

Wise words from Audrey
Then I polished my newly clean room til it glistened.

And last but by no means least I did the simple but effective task of making my bed up with freshly laundered sheets. As the centre piece of a bedroom I think it made all the difference.

It has been the most productive 'time wasting' I've ever done and although it was the competition that spurred me on I sort of feel like I've already won now I have this beautiful room to sleep in tonight. Sha-ting!

Click on this link to read all about emoov. The company the competition is promoting that motivated me to finally tidy up the pigsty I call home. 
A week of my Mum nagging me has only made me better at coming up with excuses not to tidy my room. One of which is scrolling through blogs for hours on end. Thankfully this seeming waste of time turned out to be just the inspiration I needed when I came across an interesting competition to win an iPad ( 

I came across this blog at 6 o'clock this evening and the race has been on up until the very stroke of midnight when the competition closes to get this blog ready and this room fit for habitation. 

Here is a quick low down on mission messy;